Friday, 8 November 2013


We have begun to enviously celebrate the character flaws of our so called heroes. More sadly we emulate their achievements. We seem to hope that by acting like these idols, we too can be rich, powerful and famous just like them.
Think of that person you so admire, the one whose lifestyle awakens your envious longings and consider whether these characteristics occur frequently in their life? 
  1. Arrogance

Confidence oozes from every pore, actually if you take a closer look it is arrogance! He no longer listens to others, what he says goes and blow the rest.  People around him stop telling him the truth because they don't want to get shut down. Let’s pray he is as good as he thinks he is because he really is on his own!

  1. Ladder-climbing

He is never satisfied. And while it's healthy to want to do your best, his discontent and sleeplessness makes him tired and joyless as he compares himself to everyone else. No matter how much he has, it will never be enough! Eventually he will have a tough time getting others to join his grand crusade once he hits the top. They will know that he only cares about himself and the daggers will be out.

  1. Perfectionism

We all want to excel but he really believes he is a perfectionist. Even the most basic task becomes a major stressor. People around him start to cover up and avoid taking risks because they are afraid of his persistent criticism. Creativity will die and the organization will slow down as team members second guess their work.

  1. Calculation

You get the feeling that you’re in a game of shadows, a corporate episode of Survivor. You feel like you’re always trying to guess what angle he's playing (Ted Harro). He is a user and an abuser and the fear of hearing those words, “the tribe has spoken” are constantly with each employee. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes he is so charming.......but it always has a price tag attached.

  1. Entitlement

“Everyone, tighten your belts, it is time to consolidate.” But, of course, that does not go for him.  He is quite happy to continue travelling around the world and will purchase that new car. I guess he believed all of those people who told him he was special his whole life.

  1. Ruthlessness

He seems to be decisive and firm but he always comes first therefore others are disposable.  He is a proverbial jerk.  He does not care if he impacts your family life, if he needs you he will demand your time! You really get the feeling that he indulges in the thrill of intimidating others. This is power to him! do we really want to emulate the idol/hero?  Research has identified that these characteristics are on the increase.  Don’t be a casualty!

All looks bright and shiny on the outside but behind the scenes he has left a path of destruction...look closely, the diamond is flawed.

“Character is like a tree and reputation its shadow. The shadow is what we think it is and the tree is the real thing.”
- Abraham Lincoln


Haro, T: Six Celebrated Flaws, Huffington Post

Simon, George K: Character Disturbance: the phenomenon of our age, 2011

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