On 12th April, 1959 John F Kennedy quoted: “When written in Chinese, the word 'crisis' is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.”
On 12th April, 1959 John F Kennedy quoted: “When written in Chinese, the word 'crisis' is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.”
Many authors and psychologists have
used this quotation and the Chinese letters as a foundation for therapy;
helping others through trauma or crisis. Let's face it, it looks good and
sounds even better.
In recent
years linguists have been setting the record straight and rightly so.
In a
crisis if nothing else, one seeks truth!
As Abraham Lincoln stated: “I am a firm believer in the
people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national
crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.”
If one thing is missing today it is
An esteemed
linguist, Professor Victor H Mair, points out that wēijī means a dangerous
incident, a genuine crisis, and a time when things start to go wrong. He states
emphatically that it does not mean an opportunity in the face of a crisis, it is
not pointing to benefits or advantages in the given situation. He suggests that
any guru in his right mind would never compound the danger of a crisis with
such advice; they would be driven out of town! In the West we seem to have
entertained what we thought was Eastern wisdom but which is in fact a
misinterpretation of language.
This is not
the end of the story.....
There seems to be a new awakening in a forum, an international forum of academics for the exchange and interaction of ideas, research and points of view that bear on a wide range of issues of concern and interest in our modern-day world. As a contribution towards their Global Conference held in Sydney, Australia this year they made a call for presentations on..............
There seems to be a new awakening in a forum, an international forum of academics for the exchange and interaction of ideas, research and points of view that bear on a wide range of issues of concern and interest in our modern-day world. As a contribution towards their Global Conference held in Sydney, Australia this year they made a call for presentations on..............
OPPORTUNITY IN CRISIS: Finding Benefits in Difficult Life Events.
Has Modern culture taken an error in interpretation of Chinese language and turned it into a reality of life purely by quoting it and believing in its benefits? Did John F Kennedy unknowingly start something worthwhile through misinformation?
Although we
have to discard this notion of wēijī as anything more than a crisis, the
truth stands that meaning or opportunity can definitely bring healing from
suffering or a crisis, the ideology was present before it was attached to this
‘misinterpreted Chinese lettering’.
Frankl had proposed that life is given to us so that we can find meaning, even
in suffering (logotherapy). He had experienced this in his own life and in others in
the concentration camps of World War II.
Don’t you
love truth, don’t you love real facts that you can ‘hang your hat on.’ Truth
revealed does point to a crisis being an opportunity for growth, whether it can
be meaningful and/or build our faith. I believe the outcome comes
from the choices we make through our crisis, our ‘Valley of Tears.’ A friend has often advised me in times of crisis to "look for the Treasures of Darkness stored in secret places" (Isaiah 45:3).
Psalm 84
Blessed all
those whose strength is in You (God),
Who have set
their hearts to travel with You.
As they pass
through the Valley of Tears (Baca),
They will
make it a place of springs.
Crises will
come, we know this. It seems that walking through a crisis has always been an
opportunity for growth, for understanding and for meaning. Take heart. Seek truth and spiritual 'treasures' while move forward.
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