Narcissists Psychologically Feed Off You!
Narcissists are parasitic. It seems almost unbelievable, doesn't it? Narcissists try taking what is most precious to us away from us with their cruelty, chronic deception, hidden agenda, humiliation and threats. They ambush us.
The narcissist steals our creative ideas and spins them as their own.
How many times have you stood and watched them take your glory! They gain power over you psychologically by hitting you below the belt on the issues where you are the most vulnerable. Although the narcissist has no true insight, they are exceedingly deceitful and knows just how to make you feel hopeless and helpless.
Narcissists are bottom feeders.
For those that have never dealt with a narcissist this seems really over-the-top but this has been the experience of many.
They play dirty and catch you by surprise, using the shock factor. They initiate contact that appears to be friendly and innocuous. But they make sure that they communicate that they are superior to you and that you are a failure and there is something intrinsically wrong with you.
When you catch on to their game, you may confront them, only to be told, they NEVER meant for you to feel this way, YOU must be mistaken!
They spread lies about to your family and your friends, indicating your defective character; this lie will hurt you the most.
This is despicable behaviour but narcissists are extremely convincing to others who remain ignorant of their true natures.
The hurt is real: " Surely others can see through them?”
Study and learn to identify the narcissistic personality. It is worth doing the research on this character disorder. Our society seems set to produce a crop of such personalities.
Once you have made the identification, spend as little time with them as possible. If you have to interact, make it brief and do not engage them in a personal manner.
There is a need to set and keep boundaries with these individuals. You can never please them; that is a fruitless effort. Remember, the narcissist is constantly projecting his unconscious rage on to others and deep down they feel psychologically empty and worthless.
Get in touch with your creative gifts and learn to appreciate yourself as a unique individual who is capable of empathy, compassion, emotional intimacy and authenticity.
Thank you, Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D., for parts of this amazing post.
I have only changed certain aspects to accommodate our South African understanding and culture.
The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.
~ Proverbs 22:3
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