Are You in a Manipulative Relationship?
Answer the following questions with a True or False.
_____ I sometimes feel confused about what my partner really wants.
_____ I feel that my partner frequently takes advantage of my giving nature.
_____ Even when I do something that pleases my partner, the positive feelings never last long.
_____ With my partner I feel that it's hard just to be myself or do what I really want.
_____ Around my partner, I feel taken for granted.
_____ I seem to work harder on this relationship than my partner does.
_____ My partner has a very strong impact on what I think and feel.
_____ I sometimes feel that I am trapped in my relationship and there is no way out.
_____ I don't feel as good about myself in my relationship as I once did.
_____ I feel that I need my partner more than my partner needs me.
_____ No matter how much I have done, I feel that it's not good enough for my partner.
_____ I feel that my partner does not understand who I really am.
There are twelve questions in this quiz. If you answered more than half of them with True, you might want to consider exploring whether you are in a manipulative relationship.
You feel useful and loved only when you can take care of the needs of other people. This goes beyond being nice to other people. Your sense of worth is tied up in doing things for other people. In fact, you take this so far that you please other people at the expense of your own well-being. For example, you might buy something especially nice for your partner or a friend when you would never spend that kind of money on yourself. Manipulators are drawn to this type of person and have no qualms about taking advantage of this particular personality trait.
You need to have the approval and acceptance of other people.Although most people appreciate being accepted, a problem occurs when you feel that you must be accepted by everyone at all times. The core problem here is the fear of being rejected or abandoned - and it is so strong that you would do anything to avoid the feelings associated with this fear. The manipulator works by giving you the acceptance that you need - and then threatening to withdraw it.
You fear expressing negative emotions. Although expressing anger and engaging in a conflict are never pleasant, some people will go to any length to avoid a confrontation. They want things to be pleasant at all times. They fear that they will fall apart in the face of negative emotions. Manipulators have an easy task in this kind of relationship - all they have to do is to threaten to raise their voice, and then they get their way.
You are unable to say no. One of the characteristics of a healthy relationship is appropriate boundaries that clarify who you are and what you stand for. In order to maintain healthy boundaries, however, you must sometimes say no when someone attempts to push your limits. If you are afraid of the conflict that may arise when you say no, you play into the hands of the manipulator. Learning effective assertiveness techniques is a way to regain your sense of control in a manipulative relationship.
You lack a firm sense of your own self. A clear sense of self means that you know what your values are, who you are, what you stand for, and where you begin and the other person ends. If you have an unclear sense of self, it is difficult to trust your own judgment or to make decisions that work in your favor. Without a clear definition of your self, you may be an easy target for a manipulator.