Not are mothers telling their girls that when a man is late for a date, it is disrespectful but it shows signs that he will be an adulterer in marriage.
That recklessness of the 'bad boy' and the fact that he talks the hind legs off a donkey. More of the same. Both are personality traits of an adulterer.
How was this verified?
Seemingly by the 'true' confessions of those who had been caught adultery, I mean. How believable would that be?
According to Buss (1997), it has been said that if you have a gut feeling your partner is cheating, take them for a ride down the freeway and watch how they react to a dead animal on the side of the road. Unsympathetic, well...yet another pointer! I can verify, as an aside, that this would be blatantly obvious to Tasmanians, due to the quantity of roadkill on their roads. Tasmanians could evolve into early detectors of adulterous behavior, this would be great because you can't really rely on others to tell you, now can you?
While walking through the mall, do you find your partner checking him/herself out in the windows and does he/she seem so ungrateful for all you do, in fact does it feel as if they just expect you to clean up after them with no thanks at all? Who is beginning to get the 'Big Picture', is there something to this after all? Do you need to take 'that drive'?
I seem to have been in contact with more adulterers than most and if these traits are indeed fact, every time I turn a light off after a person has left it on or close a door they have left open (yes, two more traits), questions may begin to form in my mind...